Image hosted by Monday, August 29, 2005

i could stare at you with your eyes bursting with passion. those eyelashes unfolding the mysteries of wild fire while those tears fall for innocent longing. i could stare at you with your lips unsealed. those diamonds twinkling back at the heavens while your pale pale cheeks pull me closer. even closer. i could stare at you from a galaxy. i could stare at you from a century. i could go on like this for a minute and then a lifetime and i could stare at you and you're dangerously beautiful.


Blogger JS said...

ang keso mo naman
pero nice peotry

8/29/2005 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! kachervahan lang ito.

8/29/2005 04:46:00 PM  

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