Image hosted by Saturday, August 13, 2005

prisoners of ourselves.

i'm all fed up with money. i could still picture my mom, dad and i almost falling into a huge trap of petty argument just because of it. that's it. maybe, we're really are in hell right now without it due to the fact that my dad's still stucked at home for 4 months now. that means, no work - no pay. i've never cared about it that much though, actually i am just so happy that i get to spend a lot more time with him since he's been on his vacation this long. by the way, the truth is, he just resigned from his previous job in abu dhabi because he thinks that he can earn more money than what they're giving, he's just waiting for his employer's call. i think he'll be living off for canada. sooner or later. the thing here is that, i can absolutely feel the tension. as what i've written in my previous post, i am actually planning of stopping my schooling just to get a job and work for a meantime, save some money for my own needs then go back to school again. but now, my mom's also planning of getting a job - abroad. the idea sucks for me because it makes me feel that we're that hopeless. i just cannot imagine my mom leaving my 2 year old brother here just to clean the house of some taiwanese or korean to earn some bucks. yeah, she's planning to work as a domestic helper for a maximum of three years. she told me she wants to work until we all finished college. though of course, i have nothing against domestic helpers i still cannot let her go. i don't want her to do that. i don't want her to leave. what if something bad happens to her there just like the other OFWs? i could never take it. and what i cannot really take above anything else is the fact that she's gonna do it just to finance our schooling. i must admit, my course is kinda costly film and audiovisual arts - no - it is really costly. just thinking about the production budget that i'll be needing in the future for our productions is fairly enough to depress me. then what about my thesis? oh puhlease. i know, i know it is really an expensive course. but what can i do? that's where my interest lies? do i have to start making up my mind again * i just shifted from uplb where i took up BA communication arts* right now and make my plans for shifting to another more economical course? 'cause honestly, my mom's idea makes me feel sOooo guilty. what should i do? should i really stop schooling and help first my parents with the budget and all? or do i go all the way til i burn my parents' pockets? ugh. i'm so dead confused. i don't know what to think. i don't even know how to think - right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i pray that you'll be fine soon. i hope the situation will be okay. :) thanks for dropping by my site. :)

8/13/2005 06:02:00 AM  
Blogger duke said...

take it easy on yourself. thing's will fall into place, you'll see. God bless you.

8/15/2005 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sis... kaya mo yan! Ikaw pa! Sa dami ng mga napagdaanan mo na, ngayon ka pa ba susuko? Just focus on your goal and you'll see, magiging maayos din ang lahat. Don't ever sacrifice your studies... Siguro, konting tipid tipid muna... pra saan ba't makakagraduate ka din at kikita ng malaki. There are lots of other ways to earn money. Sali ka ng mga literary contests. Hehe... pero no joke, may ibubuga ka talaga. But then again, juz continue praying and working... Yakang yaka mo yan!!! God Bless!

"As you travel on through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole. Only optimists make history. No monument was ever built to a pessimist."

8/16/2005 12:13:00 AM  

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