Image hosted by Monday, August 29, 2005


pag nangangati nga naman ang daliri ko at gusto kong magsulat... jaedy is the killer. the ultimate murderer. the sadist of your daydreams. the pain in your ass. a heartbreaker.jawbreaker.legbreaker. hairbreaker.nosebreaker.nailbreaker. she'll take you on for a ride. bombard you with her own dizziness. deaf you with the echoes of her confusion. she'll choke you with tenderness. she'll fill you mouth to mouth. then she'll bare in front ot you. she'll take you, make you then leave you. break you.crush you. but she'll never say she's sorry. she'll runaway. she'll hide. she'll scream and probably she'll vomit. she'll flood the heavens with crushed ice. with crushed heart. she'll disturb your sleep with achy ice drops. with tears. she'll make you holler her name then pretend not to hear you. she'll walk past your shadows ignoring your scars. then she'll cut her palms and the fresh blood runs dry. you'll accuse her of murder. she'll just smile as her last breath surrenders.


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