Image hosted by Thursday, August 25, 2005

uncertainties in an empty thursday box.

ashes are always there and that's for sure. i guess, i'll just have to cope up with walking on dirt-painted roads forever. anyway, the jeepney's not even a better idea of taking me where i perhaps want to go. ********* scanning these happy pictures on people's friendster profiles pinches my vulnerable heart. i'm just wondering how to catch those pretty smiles in my pockets. ah, i could stare at them for years... ********* indeed, the laws of inertia and momentum are above my weaknesses as a speck in the universe. this makes me believe that sometimes fighting would be such an impractical thing to do. though it would be nice to know how to fight the good fight... i still do think that sometimes running away is a lot better. ********* traveling to the sugar coated moon, i passed by faces of perfection. i drowned at the vision of the stars, the meteors and the millions of sparkling eyes that gaze at the eternal darkness that squeezed us together in the vastness of time and space. then for a speck of hour, i crashed into you as you made your way towards the mesmerizing sun. i tried to hold onto my grip. your beauty made me want to surrender. the clock then turned its mighty hands. majesty dominated us all again. then at one speed of light i turned again to bury my eyes into yours. stretched my arms in absolute submission. but you're gone. reality descended. reality escaped. i knew you'll be gone forever. brooding over to what was left of me i started to ask myself why can't the gravity just pull us closer?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


ayoko ng maramdaman uli yan..


ur getting fuckin day at a tym..

pero kaya yan db?

kayang kayang kaya mo yan.. =)

8/25/2005 10:52:00 PM  
Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

leggo... leggo... leggo.

sorry. i can't resist. there is THAT stupid song again! i'm at benilde. AAAAARRRGH!!!!


8/26/2005 03:54:00 AM  

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